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Revealing the unexpected & Illuminating your future


Taurus – 25th November

General Outlook Weekly

The beneficial and expansive Jupiter is still making its way through your sign. Overall, this is a positive time for you, however, this may come with a dose of overconfidence and expectations which may not be wholly realistic. This would be unusual for you as you generally have your feet firmly planted on the ground.

Love and Romance

Your planetary ruler Venus is moving through the sign of balance and harmony, Libra. You are likely to have a greater appreciation of beauty but also be aware of situations that you see as being unfair, whether it is within your personal relationships or in the wider world. The Moon is moving through your sign at the start of week which may well intensify your emotions when it comes to the physical side of your relationship.

Prosperity & Opportunity 

There is a karmic element to consider when making plans or trying to move your projects forward. You would be wise to take into account past mistakes as without giving those lessons due consideration, you may well find that the outcome is not what you expect it to be. You can make progress; however, it is likely to be slower than you would like it to be.

Phases of the Moon

Full Moon: Taurus, Monday 27th November  Make a plan today…

Waning Moon: Scorpio, Monday 13th November    Reflect on your progress…

New Moon: Aquarius, Monday 20th November Make a new start today…

Waxing Moon: Taurus,  Taurus, Monday 27th November Time to set new intentions…

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Quick Answers to: Illuminate Your Future

Eleanor Grace Psychic Destiny Team



Sun in Sagittarius.

Mercury in Sagittarius.

Venus in Libra

Mars In in Scorpio until 25th then Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Taurus all month.

Mercury in Sagittarius.


Gemstone – Citrine for November


Have you tried a psychic reading before?

So uplifting…

Try a Love Reading with the Psychic Tarot 


Taurus – 11th November

General Outlook Weekly

As an earth sign, you are generally quite steady in your approach to life and not generally given to impulses. In having said that, you may feel that the repetitive daily grind is getting you down. If that’s how you feel, you may take the decision to do something different and break with your daily routine, it may not be anything big but significant to you at least.

Love and Romance

Your planetary ruler, Venus forms aspects to the 3 outer planets this week. If you are looking for a change in your relationship, you may feel now is the time and you have the inner confidence to do it. Take care not to talk yourself into or out of a situation as new relationship started now may be quite intense and passionate but may not be what it appears to be.

Prosperity & Opportunity 

The material side of life holds a lot of importance to you. If you are looking to make changes, then this is the time for you to set about making them happen. You are likely to be more interested in anything that is new and different rather than the tried and tested. Intellectually, you are likely to be quite sharp and have some interesting ideas on old problems.

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Quick Answers to: Illuminate Your Future

Eleanor Grace Psychic Destiny Team


Phases of the Moon

Full moon: Leo, Sunday 5th November   Make a plan today…

Waning Moon: Scorpio, Monday 13th November    Reflect on your progress…

New Moon: Aquarius, Monday 20th November Make a new start today…

Waxing Moon: Taurus, Monday 27th November         Time to set new intentions…


Sun in Scorpio until 23rd November, then Sagittarius.

Mercury in Sagittarius.

Venus in Libra

Mars In in Scorpio until 25th then Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Taurus all month.


Gemstone – Citrine for November


Have you tried a psychic reading before?

So uplifting…

Try a Love Reading with the Psychic Tarot 


Taurus – 5th to 12th December 

This is the time in the year for you to shine, to dazzle

Relationships will be to the fore this week.

All aspects of relationships will have more prominence at the start of the month as your planetary ruler, Venus moves through your 7th solar house of relationships. This has the potential to be a lovely time for you as you will be willing to bend to what other people want to do.

Your planetary ruler, Venus is moving through your 7th solar house at the moment. This is an interesting time as whilst you may be more willing to go with the flow, there may be an aspect of the bizarre or unusual about love life at the moment. You may feel that you want to have more freedom to express yourself.

Career has dominated much of the last 12 months for you in one way or another. As we come towards the end of the year this will start to change and many of the frustrations you have felt are likely to melt away. Your ambition has not been dulled despite the challenges of the last year.

December Gemstone

The use of turquoise dates back as far as the First Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. Mined in the Sinai Peninsula as early as 3000 BC, turquoise was considered very precious and was used in burial masks, for example that of King Tutankhamun. It was set into gold jewellery, adorning rings and necklaces, and would often be carved to depict animals and gods. Possession of the stone was thought to bring good fortune and general well-being to the wearer.  Turquoise was also important with the peoples surrounding another major world source-the central region of the Americas-where it was considered holy by the Aztecs, Incas, and later, the Pueblo civilizations. The Aztecs would use it to make mosaics, often again worked into masks. The gemstone was also extremely popular throughout Persia, whose people believed it held protective powers and this popularity made its way into India. The geographical areas of present-day Iran and Afghanistan were major ancient sources, mined some 2000 years ago

Love & Romance This Week

Your planetary ruler, Venus is moving through your 7th solar house at the moment. This is an interesting time as whilst you may be more willing to go with the flow, there may be an aspect of the bizarre or unusual about love life at the moment. You may feel that you want to have more freedom to express yourself.

Your planetary ruler forms a positive aspect to the watery Neptune, bringing an other worldly quality to your life. You find that you are attracted to someone who has an element of the spiritual about them, perhaps even on some sort of spiritual journey. You may be just as interested in the culture as the person. An interesting time for your spiritual growth.

Try a Psychic Reading!

Eleanors Selection This Week – Book Here

£30.00 PSYCHIC TAROT for 20 mins

  Romance and Love Life…Delve into the Tarot for a look into your romantic connections and who means so much to you in your future pathway

£45.00 CLAIRVOYANT VISIONS for 30 mins 

Fabulous for Uplifting your Soul… Eleanor’s Crystal Ball Readings are legendary – Find out what she sees for you n your future pathway.

£60.00 FULL PSYCHIC READING for 40 mins

Heartfelt Spirit Messages – Have you watched Eleanors Livestream connections to Spirit? Find your own connections to a loved one passed over with Eleanor’s very special Full Psychic Reading.

TUNE IN TO facebook.com/eleanorgracepsychicevenings/ for Free Psychic Messages on LIVESTREAM @7PM EVERY MONDAY


New Taurus post test for Louise and Eleanor

Hi Lou, this would be the content of the horoscope reading, a small amount of text will be visible on the email which would act as a teaser for people to click through to the main site. This is dummy text. It is intended to be read but have no meaning. As a simulation of actual copy, using ordinary words with normal letter frequencies, it cannot deceive eye or brain. Dummy settings which use other languages or even gibberish to approximate text have the inherent disadvantage that they distract attention toward themselves. This text may be produced in any typeface, at whatever size and format is required. Paragraphs may be long or short. Texts can be produced to complete any dummy paragraphs, as the basic copy is simply repeated with different starting points, and either lengthened or shortened to the desired specification.

This is dummy text. It is intended to be read but have no meaning. As a simulation of actual copy, using ordinary words with normal letter frequencies, it cannot deceive eye or brain. Dummy settings which use other languages or even gibberish to approximate text have the inherent disadvantage that they distract attention toward themselves. This text may be produced in any typeface, at whatever size and format is required.

Paragraphs may be long or short. Texts can be produced to complete any dummy paragraphs, as the basic copy is simply repeated with different starting points, and either lengthened or shortened to the desired specification. This is dummy text. It is intended to be read but have no meaning. As a simulation of actual copy, using ordinary words with normal letter frequencies, it cannot deceive eye or brain.

Dummy settings which use other languages or even gibberish to approximate text have the inherent disadvantage that they distract attention toward themselves. This text may be produced in any typeface, at whatever size and format is required. Paragraphs may be long or short. Texts can be produced to complete any dummy paragraphs, as the basic copy is simply repeated with different starting points, and either lengthened or shortened to the desired specification. This is dummy text. It is intended to be read but have no meaning. As a simulation of actual copy, using ordinary words with normal letter frequencies, it cannot deceive eye or brain. Dummy settings which use other languages or even gibberish to approximate text have the inherent disadvantage that they distract attention toward themselves. This text may be produced in any typeface, at whatever size and format is required. Paragraphs may be long or short. Texts can be produced to complete any dummy paragraphs, as the basic copy is simply repeated with different starting points, and either lengthened or shortened to the desired specification.

Taurus –  The Bull – 20th April to 21st May

Taurus- Week commencing 21st August.

The Sun is moving through your 5th solar house and the sign of Leo. You are likely to be feeling a little restless perhaps wanting some change.

General outlook

The focus will move from pleasure and leisure on to work and service, however there are likely to be some conflicts there in the sense that you will want to spend time doing what you want to do but feel the weight of obligations and duties upon on you.

The week may start with a bit of an emotional upset possibly an argument or disagreement between you and your partner. Despite that you are likely to be feeling quite positive and upbeat about things in general. Mentally you are likely to be quite sharp and perhaps a little too quick with your retort.

Planetary movements

Full Moon 

22nd August in Aquarius for the BLUE SUPER MOON

Mercury is moving through your 6th solar house and the sign of Virgo. Intellectually you are likely to be feeling quite sharp and have alternative views on some traditional ideas.

Your planetary rule Venus how’s left Venus has moved into the air sign of Libra. there will be more issues around balance and harmony to consider.

Mars is making its way through Virgo too. This is a time when you may put your ideas into action

Jupiter is in retrograde motion in Aquarius. You may be feeling quite upbeat about life in general

Saturn is still moving slowly and relentlessly through Aquarius bringing further changes to the established order.

Love & Romance 

Week 3

You are likely to be feeling quite settled at the moment in your romantic life. There will be a degree of appreciation from you for those around you. This is not likely to be a time when you are looking for alternative romantic liaison’s. This is a time of stability, a time when things will be on a level playing field

Emotionally things will be quite intense at the moment and your physical desires stronger than at other times. If there is a romantic connection between you and someone you work with then things could get a little complicated especially if the other person is in a position of authority. Take care that you are not deluding yourself into thinking it is something that it is not.

Week 2

You may feel that relationships in general are a big obligation that is limiting you on both a emotional and physical level. This in turn may bring about changes in your relationships, not just personal ones but across the board. In contradiction to that, you may put someone on a pedestal and expect too much from them.

August Gemstone -Peridot

As with other gemstones, the color of the peridot stone is directly related to parts of the body that it can be of aid to. Because of it’s yellowish green color, peridot has been believed to cure diseases of the liver and difficulties with digestion. It aids in physical detoxification and helps problems with the kidneys, bladder, gall bladder, and the stomach. Peridot heals such illnesses as ulcers, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also useful in helping to heal insect bites. Peridot has a tonic effect- it heals and regenerates tissues, strengthens the metabolism and benefits the skin. It aids the heart, thymus, lungs, and spleen. If placed on the abdomen, it aids in giving birth by strengthening the muscle contractions while lessening the pain. Peridot is also helpful in treating skin diseases and difficulties associated with the adrenal glands and endocrine systems. It is also used to treat fevers

Prosperity and Opportunity

The Butterfly is a symbol of transformation

Week 3

You may start to think about putting your ideas into action which may come as a bit of a surprise to you. It could be the external influences act as a catalyst full this decision. Where your working life is concerned you are likely to be quite innovative and creative especially where new solutions to problems are concerned.

If you have been thinking about striking out on your own then may now feel the time is right. Whatever your plans are for the coming week you should be prepared to change them as external circumstances and events may well force you into another course of action. Your own behaviour may also force others into changing their plans too.

Week 2

External influences are likely to come in to disrupt your daily routine which are likely to be unexpected and possibly costly. Whilst you may want the daily routine to be broken down, you would rather it was done in a controlled and measured way rather than just randomly. As the saying goes, life is what happens while you’re busy making plans.

Birth Flower August

Gladioli are known to symbolize strength of character, faithfulness, integrity, infatuation, and persistence. Beyond these meanings, the birth flower for August carries other meanings that differ by color. Red gladioli symbolize love. Pink gladioli symbolize compassion


 Next up; Monday 23rd August, for FREE Psychic Messages in the ever popular Mediumship Hour

19:00 to 20:00 – Keep Wishing for loved ones

TUNE IN TO; https://www.facebook.com/eleanorgracepsychicevenings 


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VIEW Eleanor Grace LIVE – TUESDAY  24th August @ 19:00 hrs

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