Aries The Ram - 21st March to 19th April
Aries- Week commencing 21st August.
Planetary movements
Full Moon
22nd August in Aquarius for the BLUE SUPER MOON
Mercury has moved on to Virgo and your 6th solar house. There will be strong drives towards achieving at work.
Venus is making her way through the Libra, the sign of balance. You should feel quiet stable within your relationship status.
Mars has moved onto the practical Virgo. Your planetary ruler Mars forms close aspect with mercury bringing innovation to your mental energy.
Jupiter is in retrograde motion in Aquarius. Your subconscious is likely to be fertile ground.
Saturn is still moving slowly and relentlessly through Aquarius bringing further changes to the established order.
General outlook
This is a great time for intellectual activity of any description. If you have been wrestling with a problem and unable to find a resolution, the answer…

Taurus - The Bull - 20th April to 21st May
Taurus- Week commencing 21st August.
The Sun is moving through your 5th solar house and the sign of Leo. You are likely to be feeling a little restless perhaps wanting some change.
General outlook
The focus will move from pleasure and leisure on to work and service, however there are likely to be some conflicts there in the sense that you will want to spend time doing what you want to do but feel the weight of obligations and duties upon on you.
The week may start with a bit of an emotional upset possibly an argument or disagreement between you and your partner. Despite that you are likely to be feeling quite positive and upbeat about things in general. Mentally you are likely to be quite sharp and perhaps a little too quick with your retort.
Planetary movements
Full Moon
22nd August in Aquarius for the BLUE SUPER MOON
Mercury is moving through your 6th solar house…

Gemini - The Twins - 21st May to 20th June
Gemini - Week commencing 21st August.
The Sun has moved on your 5th solar house and the sign of Leo. There will be more of an emphasis on having a good time.
General outlook
Your planetary ruler Mercury, forms close aspect with the innovative and driven Mars. Both are transmitting your fifth solar house so you should you should expect at least an element of drama. Mentally you will be sharp and quick witted perhaps too much so for some others. You may find that you get into disagreements with those around you.
Planetary Movements
Your planetary ruler Mercury is moving through your 5th solar house. Mentally you will be quite sharp, perhaps too sharp.
Venus is transiting your 6th solar house and your fellow add sign of Libra. You may choose to socialise with friends rather than work.
Mars is making its way through Virgo too. There could be some expected dramas happening…

Cancer - The Crab - 21st June to 22nd July
Cancer - Week commencing 21st August.
The Sun is moving through your 3rd solar house and the sign of Leo. You may get involved in a community project in your local area.
General outlook
As water sign you can be somewhat emotional especially as you are ruled by the Moon. However you are likely to be much more practical about matters at the moment particularly those that affect your home life and domestic arrangements. You may deviate from the tried and tested path into something a little bit more alternative.
This is a time of new activities and new people, some may be quite unexpected and perhaps a little off the beaten track. This may cause you to examine your daily routine and conclude that you are dissatisfied with it. In turn you may decide that you want to break away from where you are and look at things anew.
Planetary Movements
Mercury is also moving through Virgo…

Leo, The Lion 23rd July to 22nd August
Leo - Week commencing 21st August.
Planetary movements
Mercury has moved on to Virgo and your 6th solar house. There will be strong drives towards achieving at work.
Venus is making her way through the Libra, the sign of balance. You should feel quiet stable within your relationship status.
Mars has moved onto the practical Virgo. Your planetary ruler Mars forms close aspect with mercury bringing innovation to your mental energy.
Jupiter is in retrograde motion in Aquarius. Your subconscious is likely to be fertile ground.
Saturn is still moving slowly and relentlessly through Aquarius bringing further changes to the established order.
The Sun is moving through your 5th solar house and the sign of Leo. You are likely to be feeling a little restless perhaps wanting some change.
Phases of the Moon
Full Blue Moon
22nd August in Aquarius for the BLUE SUPER MOON

Virgo, The Maiden - 23rd August to 22nd September
Virgo - Week commencing 21st August.
Planetary movements
Full Moon
22nd August in Aquarius for the BLUE SUPER MOON
Mercury is moving through your 1st solar house and your sign. You will have plenty to say for yourself at the moment.
Venus is making her way Libra and your second solar house. You may feel that do you want to invest in something of beauty such as sculpture.
Mars is also making its way through your sign. You will be initiating ideas and thoughts.
Jupiter is in retrograde motion in Aquarius. If you want to expand your horizons at work then this is a good time for you to do it.
Saturn is still moving slowly and relentlessly through Aquarius bringing further changes to the established order.
General outlook
The focus will move from pleasure and leisure on to work and service, however there are likely to be some conflicts there in the sense that…

Libra, The Scales - 23rd September to 22nd October
Libra - Week commencing 21st August.
The Sun has moved on your 5th solar house and the sign of Leo. There will be more of an emphasis on having a good time.
General outlook
The sun is moving through your 11th solar house for most of this week. this is a good time for you do get involved with groups and societies of like-minded people, especially those that have an artistic or creative focus. You can make a lot of progress at the moment where your joint finances are concerned as you will be thinking creatively.
This is a good time for you to re-establish contacts with old friends or groups that you were involved with previously. If you have any clear thoughts or ideas about work and where you want to take it then you may find that the resource is of a group will serve you better than trying to do it alone.
Planetary Movements
Mercury change signs and is now moving through…

Scorpio, The Scorpion - 23rd October to 21st November
Scorpio - Week commencing 21st August.
The Sun is moving through your 3rd solar house and the sign of Leo. You may get involved in a community project in your local area.
General outlook
Mentally you will be quite sharp which may result in having crosswords with someone possibly a partner. You are likely to be quite innovative and initiate projects at the moment too. You will have a certain amount of impatience about getting things moving and I'm not likely to be very tolerant of delays.
This is a time of new activities and new people, some may be quite unexpected and perhaps a little off the beaten track. This may cause you to examine your daily routine and conclude that you are dissatisfied with it. In turn you may decide that you want to break away from where you are and look at things anew.
Planetary Movements
Mercury is moving through your 11th solar house and the…

Sagittarius, The Archer - 22nd November to 21st December
Sagittarius - Week commencing 21st August.
The Sun is moving through your 9th solar house and your fellow fire sign of Leo. You will be wanting to getaway probably somewhere warm and sunny.
General outlook
Mentally you will be on top form you will have the drive and energy combined with the sharpness and innovation to be able to come up with some really interesting ideas. if you have been thinking about it going out on your own then you may feel confident enough to take a step on that road.
There is a combination of innovation and drive which can bring you the opportunity to break free from the inhibitions of the daily routine if that is what you want to do. Being a natural adventurer you are generally open for something different. This is a time when you may have the opportunity to be liberated from the duties and obligations that have stopped you previously.
Planetary movements

Capricorn - The Goat - 22nd December to 20th January
Capricorn - Week commencing 21st August.
The Sun is moving through your 12th solar house and the sign of Leo. You may feel like putting yourself into isolation at the moment.
General outlook
You are generally quiet stable and steadfast, however you may be feeling a little restless and uneasy, perhaps wanting a little more from life and change from the routine. this may be particularly relevant to your intimate relationships and your domestic environment. You are likely to be quite innovative and creative in these areas of your life.
You may gain an interesting and unusually deep insight into your personal and intimate relationships. In turn this could produce profound and useful information about your approach to this area of your life. If you can accept what you find, you may be able to make some progress here.
Planetary Movements
Mercury is moving through your 8th solar…

Aquarius, The Water Bearer - 20th January to 18th February
Aquarius - Week commencing 21st August.
The Sun is moving through your 7th solar house and the sign of Leo, your opposite sign. You may find relationships somewhat disruptive.
General outlook
Being one that looks at life from the head, your mind is likely to be working overtime with all the possibilities and ideas that are floating around. you may well jump from one topic to another and then back to the first exploring possibilities as you go.
This is a good time for you to re-establish contacts with old friends or groups that you were involved with previously. If you have any clear thoughts or ideas about work and where you want to take it then you may find that the resource is of a group will serve you better than trying to do it alone.
Planetary Movements
Mercury is moving through your 7th solar house too. There will be a lot of conversations about relationships in…

Pisces, The Fish -19th February to 20th March
Pisces - Week commencing 21st August.
The Sun is moving through your 3rd solar house and the sign of Leo. You may get involved in a community project in your local area.
General outlook
There is a risk that someone may try to dupe you would take advantage of you by deceiving you. insofar as you are able you should try to make sure that those you are dealing with are honest, open and above board. You may do well to get independent advice and opinion on any legal matters.
You may have a feeling of general disquiet and unease perhaps looking for some excitement or a change in your routine. This feeling may stem from something deeper in you, something that you are unhappy about but are not prepared to address. You should take care as you may be a little accident prone.
Planetary Movements
Mercury is moving through your 7th solar house. Thoughts and conversations are also likely…