Pisces Archives - Eleanor Grace
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Revealing the unexpected & Illuminating your future


Pisces – 25th November

General Outlook Weekly

You may find that progress with your ideas and projects is likely to be slow or may come to a dead stop altogether. This may be in the form of an authoritative figure or institution. Either way, there will be obstacles to overcome which will prove challenging. You may find that you very frustrated at the lack of progress. Alternatively, this is a good time for you to plan for your future.

Love and Romance

You may have to contend with changes within your relationship which you may not be too happy about. If you want to continue with the relationship, you will need to assess the impact of these changes. However, if you are prepared to let it go, you will not have to make that consideration. If you have to result to manipulation, then it probably isn’t worth it as it will get there again.

Prosperity & Opportunity 

Plans laid down now will be detailed and solid. As we go through life, we all earn lessons and you will use these lessons to formulate our plans, taking care not to repeat past mistakes. On another level, there is a certain element of karma that is guiding your hand. That is not say that something is meant to be, but you will benefit from the previous lessons.

Phases of the Moon

Full Moon: Taurus, Monday 27th November  Make a plan today…

Waning Moon: Scorpio, Monday 13th November    Reflect on your progress…

New Moon: Aquarius, Monday 20th November Make a new start today…

Waxing Moon: Taurus,  Taurus, Monday 27th November Time to set new intentions…

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Quick Answers to: Illuminate Your Future

Eleanor Grace Psychic Destiny Team



Sun in Sagittarius.

Mercury in Sagittarius.

Venus in Libra

Mars In in Scorpio until 25th then Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Taurus all month.

Mercury in Sagittarius.


Gemstone – Citrine for November


Have you tried a psychic reading before?

So uplifting…

Try a Love Reading with the Psychic Tarot 

Phases of the Moon

Full Moon: Taurus, Monday 27th November  Make a plan today…

Waning Moon: Scorpio, Monday 13th November    Reflect on your progress…

New Moon: Aquarius, Monday 20th November Make a new start today…

Waxing Moon: Taurus,  Taurus, Monday 27th November Time to set new intentions…

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Quick Answers to: Illuminate Your Future

Eleanor Grace Psychic Destiny Team



Sun in Sagittarius.

Mercury in Sagittarius.

Venus in Libra

Mars In in Scorpio until 25th then Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Taurus all month.

Mercury in Sagittarius.


Gemstone – Citrine for November


Have you tried a psychic reading before?

So uplifting…

Try a Love Reading with the Psychic Tarot 

Phases of the Moon

Full Moon: Taurus, Monday 27th November  Make a plan today…

Waning Moon: Scorpio, Monday 13th November    Reflect on your progress…

New Moon: Aquarius, Monday 20th November Make a new start today…

Waxing Moon: Taurus,  Taurus, Monday 27th November Time to set new intentions…

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Quick Answers to: Illuminate Your Future

Eleanor Grace Psychic Destiny Team



Sun in Sagittarius.

Mercury in Sagittarius.

Venus in Libra

Mars In in Scorpio until 25th then Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Taurus all month.

Mercury in Sagittarius.


Gemstone – Citrine for November


Have you tried a psychic reading before?

So uplifting…

Try a Love Reading with the Psychic Tarot 

Phases of the Moon

Full Moon: Taurus, Monday 27th November  Make a plan today…

Waning Moon: Scorpio, Monday 13th November    Reflect on your progress…

New Moon: Aquarius, Monday 20th November Make a new start today…

Waxing Moon: Taurus,  Taurus, Monday 27th November Time to set new intentions…

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Quick Answers to: Illuminate Your Future

Eleanor Grace Psychic Destiny Team



Sun in Sagittarius.

Mercury in Sagittarius.

Venus in Libra

Mars In in Scorpio until 25th then Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Taurus all month.

Mercury in Sagittarius.


Gemstone – Citrine for November


Have you tried a psychic reading before?

So uplifting…

Try a Love Reading with the Psychic Tarot 


Pisces- 11th November

General Outlook Weekly

The teacher of the zodiac, Saturn moved into your sign earlier in the year. Wherever you find Saturn, you find lessons to be learnt. In your sign, you have a tendency to want drift off into a romantic world where everything is beautiful; Saturn brings you back to earth and makes you realise that you can’t escape for long, reality is waiting for you.

Love and Romance

This can be quite an intense time for you romantically. Your emotions are likely to be stronger than usual and your sex drive higher. You are likely to feel more in touch with your feelings and want to talk about how you feel. If you have been unsure about how you feel about someone, you decide that now is the time to open up and tell them.

Prosperity & Opportunity 

You may be feeling that you want to change some aspects of your life, especially if you feel that you are being held back by someone that you are close to. In this situation, you are likely to lash out at them. Whether your limitations are real, or imaginary is another thing altogether. This is a time of change, some of which may be put on you, others you may instigate.

More details?

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Quick Answers to: Illuminate Your Future

Eleanor Grace Psychic Destiny Team


Phases of the Moon

Full moon: Leo, Sunday 5th November   Make a plan today…

Waning Moon: Scorpio, Monday 13th November    Reflect on your progress…

New Moon: Aquarius, Monday 20th November Make a new start today…

Waxing Moon: Taurus, Monday 27th November         Time to set new intentions…


Sun in Scorpio until 23rd November, then Sagittarius.

Mercury in Sagittarius.

Venus in Libra

Mars In in Scorpio until 25th then Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Taurus all month.


Gemstone – Citrine for November


Have you tried a psychic reading before?

So uplifting…

Try a Love Reading with the Psychic Tarot 

Pisces, The Fish -19th February to 20th March

Pisces – Week commencing 21st August.

The Sun is moving through your 3rd solar house and the sign of Leo. You may get involved in a community project in your local area.

General outlook

There is a risk that someone may try to dupe you would take advantage of you by deceiving you. insofar as you are able you should try to make sure that those you are dealing with are honest, open and above board. You may do well to get independent advice and opinion on any legal matters.

You may have a feeling of general disquiet and unease perhaps looking for some excitement or a change in your routine. This feeling may stem from something deeper in you, something that you are unhappy about but are not prepared to address. You should take care as you may be a little accident prone.

Planetary Movements

Mercury is moving through your 7th solar house. Thoughts and conversations are also likely to centre around relationships.

Venus has moved on to her astrological home of Libra. There is likely to be a sense of balance and harmony where relationships are concerned.

Mars is making its way through Virgo too. You may well take the initiative in relationships.

Jupiter is in retrograde motion in Aquarius. You are likely to be feeling quite optimistic in general.

Saturn is still moving slowly and relentlessly through your sign bringing further changes to the established order.

Phases of the Moon

Full Moon 

22nd August in Aquarius for the BLUE SUPER MOON

Love & Romance 

You may feel quite settled where your love life is concerned and be appreciative of those around you that you are close to. You are unlikely to be looking for a new romance at the moment if you are on your own and even less so if you are in a relationship already. You will value those you are close too for the small things that they do for you.

The week may start with an emotional upset, especially if it is connected to joint finances. However, this is likely to pass quickly. If you are looking for a new relationship then you may find the drive within is much stronger at the moment than it has been previously. You may be quite assertive when it comes to finding someone to be with.

August Gemstone -Peridot

As with other gemstones, the color of the peridot stone is directly related to parts of the body that it can be of aid to. Because of it’s yellowish green color, peridot has been believed to cure diseases of the liver and difficulties with digestion. It aids in physical detoxification and helps problems with the kidneys, bladder, gall bladder, and the stomach. Peridot heals such illnesses as ulcers, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also useful in helping to heal insect bites. Peridot has a tonic effect- it heals and regenerates tissues, strengthens the metabolism and benefits the skin. It aids the heart, thymus, lungs, and spleen. If placed on the abdomen, it aids in giving birth by strengthening the muscle contractions while lessening the pain. Peridot is also helpful in treating skin diseases and difficulties associated with the adrenal glands and endocrine systems. It is also used to treat fevers

Prosperity and Opportunity

The Butterfly is a symbol of transformation

You may have been having thoughts about going out on your own map now you like you’re likely to take the initiative and act on your ideas. if you have any contract negotiations to carry out such as leases or employment then this is a good time for you to tackle these issues. Mentally you will be sharp and you will be able to deal with the finer detail.

If you have been thinking about going out on your own then you may feel confident enough to make the move. If you have any contract negotiations to carry out then this is a good time for you to tackle them as the will have the mental clarity sharpness to be able to understand the finer points of any agreement.

Birth Flower August

Gladioli are known to symbolize strength of character, faithfulness, integrity, infatuation, and persistence. Beyond these meanings, the birth flower for August carries other meanings that differ by color. Red gladioli symbolize love. Pink gladioli symbolize compassion


 Next up; Monday 23rd August, for FREE Psychic Messages in the ever popular Mediumship Hour

19:00 to 20:00 – Keep Wishing for loved ones

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