Libra – Week commencing 21st August.

The Sun has moved on your 5th solar house and the sign of Leo. There will be more of an emphasis on having a good time.
General outlook
The sun is moving through your 11th solar house for most of this week. this is a good time for you do get involved with groups and societies of like-minded people, especially those that have an artistic or creative focus. You can make a lot of progress at the moment where your joint finances are concerned as you will be thinking creatively.
This is a good time for you to re-establish contacts with old friends or groups that you were involved with previously. If you have any clear thoughts or ideas about work and where you want to take it then you may find that the resource is of a group will serve you better than trying to do it alone.
Planetary Movements
Mercury change signs and is now moving through Virgo. You are likely to keep your thoughts and ideas to yourself.
Venus, your planetary ruler, is making her way through your sign. You will be more aware and conscious of your appearance and want to make the most of it
Mars is making its way through Virgo too. you may have some interesting dreams that are worth taking note of.
Jupiter is in retrograde motion in Aquarius. There is a feel good factor about life at the moment
Saturn is still moving slowly and relentlessly through Aquarius bringing further changes to the established order.
Phases of the Moon
22nd August in Aquarius for the BLUE SUPER MOON
Love & Romance

You are not likely to go anywhere without full hair makeup nails all done ready for the day this week as your planetary ruler Venus move through your sign. You will be able to attract other people to you quite easily every will have a certain grace and charm which others find alluring. So if you are looking for someone new, then make the most of your opportunities.
If you start new relationship around this time then you are likely to find that this is a very intense and passionate affair. Conversely if you are already in a relationship you are likely to feel a great deal stronger about your partner at the moment then perhaps you have done.
August Gemstone -Peridot
As with other gemstones, the color of the peridot stone is directly related to parts of the body that it can be of aid to. Because of it’s yellowish green color, peridot has been believed to cure diseases of the liver and difficulties with digestion. It aids in physical detoxification and helps problems with the kidneys, bladder, gall bladder, and the stomach. Peridot heals such illnesses as ulcers, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also useful in helping to heal insect bites. Peridot has a tonic effect- it heals and regenerates tissues, strengthens the metabolism and benefits the skin. It aids the heart, thymus, lungs, and spleen. If placed on the abdomen, it aids in giving birth by strengthening the muscle contractions while lessening the pain. Peridot is also helpful in treating skin diseases and difficulties associated with the adrenal glands and endocrine systems. It is also used to treat fevers
Prosperity and Opportunity

The Butterfly is a symbol of transformation
This is a very creative and innovative time for you and you can make very good progress especially where creative projects are concerned. You are likely to be thinking outside the box and looking at alternative ways of doing traditional things. If you have been looking for a new direction then you may find what you are looking for through the creative process.
You will have no shortage of ideas about how you can move forward. The challenge may be to decide which ones are likely to return the best investment on your time and effort. You are likely to keep things to yourself and not share them with anyone other than those that you are closest to. There is a risk that you are overconfident in what you expect as a return.
Birth Flower August
Gladioli are known to symbolize strength of character, faithfulness, integrity, infatuation, and persistence. Beyond these meanings, the birth flower for August carries other meanings that differ by color. Red gladioli symbolize love. Pink gladioli symbolize compassion
Next up; Monday 23rd August, for FREE Psychic Messages in the ever popular Mediumship Hour
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