Aries- Week commencing 21st August.

Planetary movements
Full Moon
22nd August in Aquarius for the BLUE SUPER MOON
Mercury has moved on to Virgo and your 6th solar house. There will be strong drives towards achieving at work.
Venus is making her way through the Libra, the sign of balance. You should feel quiet stable within your relationship status.
Mars has moved onto the practical Virgo. Your planetary ruler Mars forms close aspect with mercury bringing innovation to your mental energy.
Jupiter is in retrograde motion in Aquarius. Your subconscious is likely to be fertile ground.
Saturn is still moving slowly and relentlessly through Aquarius bringing further changes to the established order.
General outlook
This is a great time for intellectual activity of any description. If you have been wrestling with a problem and unable to find a resolution, the answer may present itself unexpectedly. You’re thinking may not be great on detail but you will be able to see the big picture with considerable scope.
You may find that you are more touchy than usual and take offence easier than at other times. this in turn could lead to arguments and disagreements. more positively you will be capable of putting a lot of mental energy into the project or idea. if you need to sell the idea to someone then you are likely to have the ability to get your point across.
Love & Romance

Week 3
This is a time when you are likely to feel quite settled where your relationships are concerned. If you are not in a relationship at the moment then you’ll be quite OK with this too. You will value those around you for whatever their abilities are and appreciate them for who and what they are.
Week 2
You may feel that relationships in general are a big obligation that is limiting you on both a emotional and physical level. This in turn may bring about changes in your relationships, not just personal ones but across the board. In contradiction to that, you may put someone on a pedestal and expect too much from them.
Week 1
An unexpected romantic encounter could come your way, especially if you are bored with where you are at the moment. You may be looking for something more stimulating and challenging, unusual or even bizarre. You may decide to look to your existing relationship to provide this for you. It depends whether your partner feels the same.
August Gemstone -Peridot
As with other gemstones, the color of the peridot stone is directly related to parts of the body that it can be of aid to. Because of it’s yellowish green color, peridot has been believed to cure diseases of the liver and difficulties with digestion. It aids in physical detoxification and helps problems with the kidneys, bladder, gall bladder, and the stomach. Peridot heals such illnesses as ulcers, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also useful in helping to heal insect bites. Peridot has a tonic effect- it heals and regenerates tissues, strengthens the metabolism and benefits the skin. It aids the heart, thymus, lungs, and spleen. If placed on the abdomen, it aids in giving birth by strengthening the muscle contractions while lessening the pain. Peridot is also helpful in treating skin diseases and difficulties associated with the adrenal glands and endocrine systems. It is also used to treat fevers
Prosperity and Opportunity

The Butterfly is a symbol of transformation
Week 3
There are strong drives towards your working environment, perhaps wanting to make changes and improve the way things are done. This will be particularly relevant if you are fascinated by any new technology that is applicable to your area of work.
Week 2
External influences are likely to come in to disrupt your daily routine which are likely to be unexpected and possibly costly. Whilst you may want the daily routine to be broken down, you would rather it was done in a controlled and measured way rather than just randomly. As the saying goes, life is what happens while you’re busy making plans.
Week 1
There is a certain amount of focus on your aspirations. You may, however find that there some challenges there for you to overcome. You may find that the actions of others cause you to change your plans. Your normal routine is most likely to be thrown out of the window as you have to adapt.
Birth Flower August
Gladioli are known to symbolize strength of character, faithfulness, integrity, infatuation, and persistence. Beyond these meanings, the birth flower for August carries other meanings that differ by color. Red gladioli symbolize love. Pink gladioli symbolize compassion

Next up; Monday 23rd August, for FREE Psychic Messages in the ever popular Mediumship Hour
19:00 to 20:00 – Keep Wishing for loved ones
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VIEW Eleanor Grace LIVE – TUESDAY 24th August
@ 19:00 hrs UK
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