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A Super Blue Moon on August 22nd!

The August full moon will be special; not only will it be a rare blue moon, but also it will shine in the city of Jupiter and Saturn. both of these planets are exceptionally bright this month. below we tell you why a blue moon is called a blue moon why the full moon is also called the sturgeon moon and when to observe our natural gas giants.

August will give astronomy enthusiasts a rare chance to see the Blue Moon dancing with exceptionally bright gas giants. The Blue Sturgeon Moon closely follows the opposition of Jupiter, which took place on August 19; around opposition, the planet appears at its brightest and largest in the sky.

What does the Blue Moon mean?

The Blue Moon can be defined as the second Full Moon in a calendar month with two Full Moons (monthly definition) or the third Full Moon of the season with four Full Moons (seasonal definition). The August Full Moon fits the second definition. The term blue moon has no relation to the actual colour of the moon it is a reference only to the fact that a full moon occurs twice in one month, which is rare.

When is the next Blue Moon?

In 2022, there will be no Blue Moon at all. In August 2023, we’ll be able to observe the calendar Blue Moon; additionally, it will be a Supermoon. The next seasonal Blue Moon will adorn our skies no sooner than December 2025. So don’t miss your chance to witness this rare phenomenon this month.

Is the Moon ever really blue?

As we’ve mentioned above, the August Blue Moon will be blue in name only. However, sometimes the Moon turns blue. For example, due to the explosion of the famous volcano Krakatoa in 1883, ashes and dust cast a blanket around the whole planet; the dusty atmosphere caused a curious visual effect: throughout the year, people could see green sunrises and sunsets and the blue Moon.

What is a Full Sturgeon Moon?

Traditional names for the Full Moons originate from Native American, Colonial American, and European cultures and reflect peculiarities of seasons of the year. The August Full Moon is known under the name of the Sturgeon Moon, which comes from America’s largest freshwater fish, the sturgeon. At this time of the year, it was easy to catch this prehistoric-looking fish in the Great Lakes of North America.

Alternative August Moon Names

There are various alternative names for the August Full Moon among different cultures and regions. Each of the Native American Indian tribes have their own names for the moons.

When is the next Full Moon?

The next Full Moon will grace the sky on September 20. It will be the closest Full Moon to the September equinox — hence it will bear the name of Harvest Moon. The Full Moon occurring at this time of the year corresponds with harvesting crops and August will give astronomy enthusiasts a rare chance to see the Blue Moon dancing with exceptionally bright gas giants. The Blue Sturgeon Moon closely follows the opposition of Jupiter, which took place on August 19; around opposition, the planet appears at its brightest and largest in the sky. Saturn, which reached opposition on August 2, also continues to shine brightly and helped farmers work into the night.

Venus held by beauty


VENUS – This an interesting aspect. Venus, the planet of  desire connects to Uranus the planet of unexpected change and Pluto, the planet of regeneration. The concoction of the 3 different elements have some curious potentials.

Venus is the planet of desire and sex drive. It is a sensual planet that enjoys all of the five senses. In its highest manifestation Venus can bring love and strong emotion bringing people together. Venus also creates a strong emotional bond between two people which can also be in a spiritual sense.

Venus likes to socialise and brings in the party animal atmosphere. a bit of a party animal. The classic manifestation of Venus is a love affair. Maybe you will fall in love for the first time or suddenly feel a lot more for the special partner in your life, Certainly the presence of Venus shows that there is a good time to be had. This is quite an indulgent time too, presenting the opportunities for most of us to have a few treats.


Uranus is a planet that brings sudden and unexpected change, often a bolt out of the blue. This is a planet of extremes and is often viewed as being unstable but exciting nonetheless. Mostly everything is seen from an intellectual point of view and  seldom does emotion cloud the judgement when this transit appears.

Uranus is inventive clever and quick. Change can sometimes be due to external influences such as an accident or a machine breaking down which indicates that events beyond your control can impact your life. So we will feel that there ae things that we can do nothing about making us all very philosophical.

It also brings about a feeling of wanting more freedom, especially if there are restrictions in force. There will be a desire to break free of a given situation if you feel you are ‘stuck in a rut’. For example, if you are in a relationship that is teetering on the edge of the abyss, through some deft manouvres you may create situations that forces issues. People often pick rows when changes are inevitable so be careful of your intentions here.


The last of the three planets in this trine is Pluto. In Greek mythology, Pluto is the God of the Underworld which represents all that is hidden and secret. Pluto governs the cycle of life and death or destruction and rebirth. There is nothing gentle or mild about Pluto as it is a planet of extremes!

Anyone with a strong Pluto placement such as Pluto in the 8th house or Pluto on  the horizon of your astrological chart, will be a keeper of secrets. This is part of the Pluto aspect.

Pluto represents change and transformation to take control what is around. An intense time but generally a positive one too as Pluto is in a ‘trine’ aspect which is a good omen. Pluto will not be superficial.


So if we look at the individual aspects starting with Venus trine Uranus this brings about a desire for change or an uneasiness which comes from within.

New horizons, fantastic experiences, perhaps a few dangerous liasons or love affairs can be expected. Unusual and interesting people will appear in order to stimulate you, so catch hold of this energy while you can.

If we then add Pluto the God of the underworld into the picture this brings a new level of intensity.

You are likely to feel that you want to express your love for someone very strongly.

You may feel as though you are being drawn inexplicably together.

Sexual desire is in all probability is going to be quite intense, tactile and not pre-planned making new relationships full of passion whilst existing ones will be spiced up this week.



The Lion’s Gate is the birth of a new and undeniably heightened level of dedication to our ascension process as individual human beings and also as a global entity.

The presence of the Lion’s Gate energy aligns with the heart centre and embodies the Leo traits of courage, strength, and expression.

Sweeping changes are being experienced by many so now is the time to harness this new energy.

We are pushed to let go of whatever isn’t serving our highest and best evolution.  Whether that’s toxic relationships, outdated ways of thinking, or the habit to downgrade our true purpose, we are all coming face-to-face with a reinvention point. The time is now so get the most out of the Lionsgate energy.

Understand that these transformative times are exciting as they offer incredible positive movement in soul growth and personal fulfilment, but they can feel turbulent and scary during the process.

So during this transformative process take care to always allow yourself some downtime. Perhaps meditate or take some time concentrating on your own personal goals. Consider what is important to you and slow down a little.

    • This offers a calmer arena to experience changes
    • Drink more water to experience those benefits
    • Rest and unplug from devices when possible
    • It can also make us feel fatigued on a physical, emotional, mental, and even soul-centred level.
    • It can also make us feel fatigued on a physical, emotional, mental, and even soul-centred level.
    • Do not engage in activities that you might find superficial or draining
    • Also be aware that this powerful energy can make us anxious, moody, suddenly sad (and then blissfully happy).

So if you feel exhausted, emotional, have sleep disruption, and are simply sensing that for some weird reason, life is not status quo, remember to take time to recalibrate and nurture yourself during this somewhat jarring transition.

Take a moment to write down what you would

    • like to heal in your life
    • wish to purge from your life
    • want to continue to develop and nurture
    • say that you love and adore about yourself

Then, consider how you can use your amazing uniqueness to usher in this new energy of love into the world.

Bring out your inner Leo to play, and see how it feels to infuse some ferocity into your world.

May we all roar our way through the Lions Gate!


Four Planet Stellium in Taurus – The Sun, Venus and Mercury all join Uranus in the earthy sign of Taurus from the 20th May to 4th June 2021. The earth signs generally slow the pace down and take time which route to take and then stick to it through thick and thin. With Uranus in the mix, this will certainly speed things up, most likely without warning, bit like a bolt of lightning. You may have some control over events but it is most likely these will be well beyond your control and have a wider impact. Once the process starts it is not going to easy to stop it, as it may well develop a life of its own. If you know your rising sign then you will.

be able to assess for yourself which part of your life this will impact. For instance, if your rising sign is Leo, then this will impact your 10th solar house of career and status. With Venus being in the mix, you may find you have a strong desire to improve your status and decide to change your job or have an opportunity presented to. Uranus, the planet of change can bring a new romance into your life without warning, possibly involving someone you have a work or business link to. Whatever it is, this will take a while to play out.

How to find your rising sign/ascendant.

Your rising sign or ascendant is your outward expression to the world, the face you put on to meet it. This is different to your Sun sign. If you draw a circle and then draw a line from 9 o’clock to 3 o’clock, that is the horizon. The sign that is at the 9 o’clock position is your rising sign or ascendant. The first house is at the 9 o’clock position and runs counter clock wise. There are plenty of free resources on line when you can find out what your rising sign is, all you need is your date of birth, time and place where you were born, such as Manchester, Brighton etc..

Hope that make sense.

Stellium’s in the houses:

Rising Sign/ Ascendant House Interpretation
Aries 2nd Personal security.

You will be putting a lot of energy and drive into this area of your life, perhaps too much at the expense of other things. Given that Uranus forms a crucial part of this stellium, it may be that whatever you have planned, something beyond your control will have a greater impact that you anticipate.

Taurus 1st Self.

You will be focusing your energy on you, most likely to the exclusion of all others. You may find that you are quite self-obsessed with your appearance and may be given to an extravagance or 2, especially where clothes are concerned. You are also likely to be looking for a break from the routine, looking for excitement.

Gemini 12th The unconscious/dreams.

This can be a challenging time as your unconscious mind may play tricks on you. You may feel like hiding away and having no contact with the outside world, preferring your own company. This may come on suddenly and go just as quickly but try not to isolate yourself.

Cancer 11th Aspirations, social conscience/groups/society.

You may want to merge into something bigger than yourself and become a part of that. You could literally fall in love with an ideal or the ethos of a group. You may also find love in that same group of like -minded people although it may not be lasting.

Leo 10th Career status.

There are likely to be changes here, some you may be aware of others could be a complete surprise to you. You will be more aware of your status now than possibly at other times and your desire to have the finer things in life will be strong.

Virgo 9th Further education, religion philosophy, foreign travel, culture.

This is an expansive placement, one where you will have the opportunity to expand your horizons. The expansion can be either in the physical sense or in the intellectual one. You look at new courses of learning or languages, possibly travel to foreign shores to experience the culture first hand.

Libra 8th Joint finances, regeneration, sex, inheritances, obsession.

There is a need to control life, not just yours but all those around you in some manner. You may develop an interest in anything that is hidden such as the occult and life after death. You may develop an obsession with a particular topic and immerse yourself in it

Scorpio 7th Relationships, lower courts, contracts.

You will find that there are changes in this area of life. You may find you lose one love, only to be replaced with another, both unexpectedly. You may feel that you want more independence or freedom within an existing relationship and you may think that someone else will offer you what you want.

Sagittarius 6th Work, service, health.

This is about not just being useful but feeling that you have done something worthwhile, of value. You could be asked to take on a new project or area of responsibility at work. You will want to achieve perfection in whatever you do. If this involves detailed analytical you will be more than up to the task. You may be concerned about your health and start a new regime of diet and exercise.

Capricorn 5th Children, creativity, drama, love affairs.

This can be a very creative period. Any creative work connected to a group will be very productive. You are also likely to feel quite childlike too and be more playful in general. If you have a complicated love life at the moment, then it is likely to get a whole lot more complicated under this transit. Whatever goes down, it is likely to be a drama.

Aquarius 4th The home, domestic arrangements, the past, the Mother.

You may find that your home life is disrupted, possibly through something as minor as everyday appliances breaking down but the disruption is likely to go beyond that. You may start to think about moving or see somewhere you would love to live. Your past may come back to you in some way, perhaps in the form of a past love or just memories. Relations with your Mother are likely to be more positive at the moment too.

Pisces 3rd Communications, neighbors, local area, siblings

You might find it difficult to switch off and talk too much. You are likely to have a lot to do with your local area and the people you live amongst. This is a time when you may make contact with your brothers and sisters that you may not have seen for some time. You will also be busier than usual talking to other people, whether that is face to face or using text.





New Psychic Readings  on WhatsApp Video Call, Facetime or Skype with Eleanor. Book online for your appointment – it’s easy! Go to the Psychic Readings Page , choose your reading, select Book Now. Choose your appointment time and day  and don’t forget to select Eleanor from the drop down box. That’s it – done! Before your psychic reading please allow a few minutes to be quiet and relax so that you can get the best from Eleanor’s amazing Psychic Guidance. If you have watched Eleanor’s Mediumship hour

Read more

Eleanor Grace on Sky 680 and Psychic Today App

Hi , Hello and How are you?

My recent adventure with Psychic Today as a new Studio Psychic is going really well. The show is live and interactive with lots of interesting topics to discuss and some great presenters to work with on the show.Watch live on Sky TV Channel 680, or download the Psychic Today App and stream on your smartphone, tablet or computer. I will be giving you as much Psychic Guidance as possible in response to your messages and your calls.
You can see me live in the studio every week and call me too on 0190 891 9009. My pin number for calls is 7003

Crystal Ball Workshop – on screen soon

I am recording a workshop feature as well which is all about the Crystal Ball and how it can be used in layered readings with psychic cards and pendulum’s. This is a fascinating example of how a clairvoyant can ‘see’ with the Ball and how you can take a peek or two into the future!

Podcast with Paul Miles – Eleanor Grace talks about Fate OR Destiny

Its funny you said that because…… that just happened to me! This is a phrase so often used by clients during a psychic reading. I discuss topics of Coincidences, Serendipity, Fated Meetings and explore the power of the mind. Is it ‘meant to be’ or should we be empowering ourselves to take control of our decisions and act on them?

Facebook Live – Mediumship 

Messages come through for viewers who can ask questions about loved ones in Spirit or Tarot Card answers about Love here on Earth.

Psychic Readings bring you insight, guidance and maybe some messages from spirit guides too. Psychic tools of Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls, Pendulum, Psychic Cards and more are used in combination with natural clairvoyance and psychic powers. Find out about your future and who is going to mean so much to you with a Love Reading or discover your career opportunities with an energised Tarot & Angel Reading.

Check out the show for more live chats with me, free readings from your text messages and live workshops. So speak soon and

I will update you with more details on here, on twitter and on facebook

Eleanor x

‘Best reading yet’ by Janey Lee Grace

…and redefines the Great British Pub as
the place to have your best reading yet!
I must confess I was feeling rather
self-conscious walking into a pub
on my own. I’d been having visions
of asking at the bar whether I was
in the right place and receiving
bemused looks in return, but it turns
out I needn’t have worried. As soon as I
enter The Chequers pub, a charming ‘olde
worlde’ pub in Hertfordshire, local to me,
I see a large banner welcoming guests
for ‘Psychic Destiny Psychic Nights’.
Four tables to the side of the bar area are
adorned with brightly coloured metallic
cloths, psychics with stacks of cards and
small crystal balls, all welcoming me in.
The host psychic Eleanor Grace (of no
relation to me!) greets me with a warm
smile and exudes confidence.
Social setting
Eleanor has been working as a medium
and clairvoyant for thirty years, and
it’s clear she knows her stuff. My first
question is about the choice of venue –
I had wondered if pubs are rather ‘low
vibrational’ for spiritual energy. Eleanor
explains that her clientele, 75% female,
enjoy being able to just rock up to the pub.
“A private reading in a social setting gives
enough privacy yet anonymity for women
to stop by after shopping or a meeting,
without needing to tell anyone one else
where they were headed,” she explains.
After a period of time some years ago
when psychic readings were unfairly
given rather a bad name, Eleanor and
some of her professional colleagues had
worked from their own home or visited
clients in theirs, but this proved timeconsuming.
“Wherever the reading takes
place, though, it seems many people like
to keep the fact that they’ve had a reading
confidential,” she tells me.
Saw it coming
Sometimes, the readings even reveal that
the pubs themselves are haunted. She
speaks fondly of The Gate in Northwood,
Middlesex, where apparently a regular
drinker named Fred, now in spirit, always
makes his presence known to her. “With
three or four mediums together, the
energy is enhanced,” she says, “it’s like
Eventually, right at the end of the evening,
they’ll sit down for one themselves!”
Decision-making power
People often ask about relationships
and Eleanor finds that she often has to
confirm sad suspicions. However, clients
often report that they feel able to make
better-informed decisions after seeing her.
“Sometimes we give warnings; I advised a
woman not to go on a skiing holiday, and
if she did, definitely to avoid the slopes.
The woman ignored me and came back a
couple of weeks later having had a bad fall,
complete with three pins
in her leg!”
Home truths
My own reading begins with Eleanor
gently holding my hand and asking me to
visualise myself at a beach, looking out
onto the horizon. She then reveals some
people in spirit she could see who were
‘looking out for me.’ She tells me about my
grandmother (who I have never met but
have always felt connected to) was there
on the beach beside me. “She literally
‘sweeps the way for you’”, Eleanor says,
and she reminds me that I could always
come here for help whenever I need it. She
goes on to ask if the name Johnny means
anything to me. Indeed it does – my uncle
Johnny sadly passed a few weeks ago.
She then asks me to pick out twelve
cards from her deck. She proceeds to talk
about my work and frustrations
I have, all of which are true. She says I
have four children – I do – and she picks
up on my sportiest son who is extremely
“I had wondered if pubs are rather’ ‘low vibrational’ for
spiritual energy” a light being switched on for those in the
spirit world.”
She has found that holding these
nights in pubs has been incredibly popular,
though being in such an ‘open’ setting has
meant that she has had many different
sorts of welcomes. “A vicar might pop into
the pub for his pint, offering to pray for
me!” Of course, she’s heard all the gags in
the book, too. “‘I bet you saw that coming’
has been said many times,” she says, “and
many men will watch and make jokes all
night as their girlfriends have a reading.
Words: Janey Lee Grace

I must confess I was feeling rather
self-conscious walking into a pub
on my own. I’d been having visions
of asking at the bar whether I was
in the right place and receiving
bemused looks in return, but it turns
out I needn’t have worried. As soon as I
enter The Chequers pub, a charming ‘olde
worlde’ pub in Hertfordshire, local to me,
I see a large banner welcoming guests
for ‘Psychic Destiny Psychic Nights’.
Four tables to the side of the bar area are
adorned with brightly coloured metallic
cloths, psychics with stacks of cards and
small crystal balls, all welcoming me in.
The host psychic Eleanor Grace (of no
relation to me!) greets me with a warm
smile and exudes confidence.
Social setting
Eleanor has been working as a medium
and clairvoyant for thirty years, and
it’s clear she knows her stuff. My first
question is about the choice of venue –
I had wondered if pubs are rather ‘low
vibrational’ for spiritual energy. Eleanor
explains that her clientele, 75% female,
enjoy being able to just rock up to the pub.
“A private reading in a social setting gives
enough privacy yet anonymity for women
to stop by after shopping or a meeting,
without needing to tell anyone one else
where they were headed,” she explains.
After a period of time some years ago
when psychic readings were unfairly
given rather a bad name, Eleanor and
some of her professional colleagues had
worked from their own home or visited
clients in theirs, but this proved time consuming. “Wherever the reading takes
place, though, it seems many people like
to keep the fact that they’ve had a reading
confidential,” she tells me.
Saw it coming
Sometimes, the readings even reveal that
the pubs themselves are haunted. She
speaks fondly of The Gate in Northwood,
Middlesex, where apparently a regular
drinker named Fred, now in spirit, always
makes his presence known to her. “With
three or four mediums together, the
energy is enhanced,” she says, “it’s like a light being

switched on for those in the
spirit world.” She has found that holding these
nights in pubs has been incredibly popular,
though being in such an ‘open’ setting has
meant that she has had many different
sorts of welcomes. “A vicar might pop into
the pub for his pint, offering to pray for
me!” Of course, she’s heard all the gags in
the book, too. “‘I bet you saw that coming’
has been said many times,” she says, “and
many men will watch and make jokes all
night as their girlfriends have a reading

Eventually, right at the end of the evening,
they’ll sit down for one themselves!”
Decision-making power
People often ask about relationships
and Eleanor finds that she often has to
confirm sad suspicions. However, clients
often report that they feel able to make
better-informed decisions after seeing her.
“Sometimes we give warnings; I advised a
woman not to go on a skiing holiday, and
if she did, definitely to avoid the slopes.
The woman ignored me and came back a
couple of weeks later having had a bad fall,
complete with three pins
in her leg!”
Home truths
My own reading begins with Eleanor
gently holding my hand and asking me to
visualise myself at a beach, looking out
onto the horizon. She then reveals some
people in spirit she could see who were
‘looking out for me.’ She tells me about my
grandmother (who I have never met but
have always felt connected to) was there
on the beach beside me. “She literally
‘sweeps the way for you’”, Eleanor says,
and she reminds me that I could always
come here for help whenever I need it. She
goes on to ask if the name Johnny means
anything to me. Indeed it does – my uncle
Johnny sadly passed a few weeks ago.
She then asks me to pick out twelve
cards from her deck. She proceeds to talk
about my work and frustrations
I have, all of which are true. She says I
have four children – I do – and she picks
up on my sportiest son who is extremely


A Psychic walks into a bar

into his personal fitness. “Yes! He’s a gym
instructor and body-builder!” I say. She
sees that my husband, a composer with a
musical currently in development, is about
to be greeted by a massively successful
creative project (hurrah!) And for me,
“some twists and turns but then suddenly…
’lift off’”. One of the most random things
is linked with fashion, but not my usual
hippy-chic eco style. “I can see you
involved in something connected with
high fashion, perhaps even with royalty.”
For a boho type like me, that really will be
interesting to see if it comes to fruition.
Other information is too personal to reveal
– but let’s just say it was spot on.

Clarity and calm
I can see how this could become quite
addictive. Eleanor agrees, telling me that
some people do come back regularly.
One woman, Debbie, who has been to a
Psychic Night several times, was one of
them. As Debbie finishes her reading, she
tells me how she feels about coming to
Psychic Nights. “These guys are good. The
regular readings help me get clarity, it
feels relaxed in here, and I’m very happy to
come on my own.” I leave the pub excited
about what the future will bring.

Eleanor Grace

runs Psychic Nights at pubs all over
the UK. Pre-booked appointments
are not essential and readings start
from £30. Bookings and enquiries
can be made via email, Facebook
Messenger or text on 07791 947371.
To discover your local Psychic Night
event, go to


Messages from Spirit are very special when they come through a natural psychic medium. Some people believe that Angels are talking and whispering to us. Many of us are taken by surprise when something that could never be known or guessed about us is told. It is a powerful experience which often causes emotional reactions. This is only to be expected when suddenly you realise that your loved one passed over has relayed a special message to you. Psychic mediums are experienced in sharing a sense of spirit with you. Signposts for your future can be seen and your pathway to happiness can be shown to you.

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Call our Receptionist on 0330 201 9602 to have your Psychic Spirit Clairvoyant Call.


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Call 0330 201 9602 and speak to one of our receptionists now to get your clairvoyant call.