A romance with someone in finance? May be.
General outlook
Your planetary ruler, Venus is still moving through your 2nd solar house, your natural astrological home. The Sun has also moved into this section of your chart bringing with it renewed energy and focus. The first week of the month sees a close aspect between the 2. You are likely to be quite assertive in an attempt to gain the attention of those that you have a close relationship with.
If you can get out and socialise, then this is a good time for you to do it. You can make new friends and contacts. You will be able to attract other people to you because you will radiate energy and naturally be warm and friendly towards other people.
There is a difficult aspect between both the Sun and Venus in the first week too. This may lead to some strong words between yourself and those that you have any sort of material interest with.
Planetary Movements
The Sun has moved on to your 2nd solar house and natural astrological home. Until the 20th, the main focus will be on your personal security.
Full Moon, on 5th June in Sagittarius, is a time to draw projects to a close, especially ones connected to joint finances.
New moon, 21st June in Gemini makes it a great time for new beginnings, especially where finance is concerned.
Mercury is in Cancer all month. There is likely to be a lot going on in your local area.
Venus in Gemini until the end of the month. You may be tempted to splash out.
Mars in Pisces all month. You are likely to be busy socially this month.
Jupiter in Capricorn all month. A great time for further education and travel to broaden the mind.
Saturn in Capricorn all month. A time when you can consolidate your career position.
Love and romance
Venus is in retrograde motion until the 26th, (that is to say the planet appears to move backwards across the sky).
As Venus is transiting your 2nd solar house of material security, if you are looking for a new relationship, then you may be attracted to someone who works in finance or has a connection to money in some manner. May be someone you have known previously.
The conjunction between the Sun and Venus in the first week, makes this a time when you may find that you can attract other people to you quite readily. You are open and warm towards others.
The 2nd week of the month sees a conjunction between Mars and Neptune in the watery 12th house. Any new romantic involvement around this time may hold an element of illusion and may not what it first appears to be.
Later in the month, Venus moves back into your 1st solar house and resumes forward motion. This is a lovely time for you, one where you will feel quite passive and be content to go with the flow.
Prosperity and opportunity
The Sun and Venus are both moving through the section of your chart that relates to your material security. On the one hand, you may find that you attract resources to you quite easily; on the other you may be a little extravagant and spend too much. Despite your down to earth approach to finances generally, you can also be generous to those you are close to.
The start of the month sees a tense aspect between Mars and the Sun and Venus. You may find that you get into disagreements with other people and possible authorities over matters of finance.
Towards the end of the month there is a change in focus. If you have any interest in communications or the written word, then this has the potential to be a good time for you. The pace of life in general is likely to quicken too.
This could be a really exciting time for you.
General outlook
There is a focus on your career in the first part of the month. It begins with a conjunction between the Sun and Venus. If you want to further your career, then you will have the charm to persuade people to go along with you. You may be asked to take on new responsibilities at work, perhaps oversee a project or step into the limelight in another way.
If you have any business or contract negotiations to carry out, this may not be the best time to do them. The tense aspect between Mars and the Sun could result in a confusing situation.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th of the month, bringing a softening in some regards and a change in strategy in others. The last days of the month also see Mercury move into Cancer too.
Mars is coming to the last degrees of Pisces in your 7th house of relationships. The fiery energy moves into your house of intimate relationships from the 28th. The change of house will bring new impetus to your personal relationships in general. You may find that the drive to have control is stronger than usual.
Planetary Movements
The Sun is in your 10th solar house, until the 20th, then moving into the socially aspirational 11th house.
Full Moon, on 5th June in the fellow fire sign of Sagittarius, is a time to draw any creative projects to a close.
New moon, 21st June in your sign of Gemini makes it a great time for new beginnings, especially where there are any social activities.
Venus is in your 10th solar house until the end of the month. You may you are attracted to some one that you have a working connection to.
Mars is in Pisces until the 28th, then moving into the more energetic Aries. The focus shifts from relationships in general to the more intimate.
Jupiter in Capricorn all month in your 5th solar house. A great time for any creative activities.
Saturn in Aquarius all month. A feeling of karma about this placement as it starts it transit of your house of work. Past lessons may serve as a reminder of times gone by.
Love and romance
It is likely to be an intense time for you where relationships are concerned. Mars is moving through this sector of your chart bringing a lot of drive and energy to you. If you are looking for a new relationship, then you may just find someone.
Mars is conjunct with Neptune around the 8th. This could lead to some confusion and may be a drama or two as well.
The dynamic energy of Mars forms a tense aspect to the Sun around the 15th which may end in harsh words being exchanged. The influence of Neptune makes a conjunction with Mars, somewhat muting the effects.
Towards the end of the month, Mars moves from your 7th solar house of relationships to the more intense and passionate 8th solar house. This is time when desires are likely to be heightened.
Prosperity and opportunity
There is a tension between the Sun and Mars at the start of the month. This could result in a forthright exchange of views. Take care not to push too hard, especially if you are dealing with authority.
Mercury is moving through your 11th House. This is one of those times when you are likely to be thinking about and discussing your plans for the coming year. You will be looking at what you have achieved and what you still want to achieve. Around the 8th is not a great time for you to enter into any contract or business negotiations as there be some confusion. The other potential outcome is that you get drawn into a heated exchange. Either scenario is unlikely to be beneficial.
During the last week of the month, Aries moves from Pisces into the more energetic Aries and its natural astrological home. This change will bring new impetus to any business negotiations you may have. This is an interesting time as you will be intellectually curious and imaginative.
You have the chance to make some progress towards your long term goals this month.
General outlook
Make sure you leave enough time to get to where you are going as there is a risk of an accident. In general may be a little too impatient and get into disputes with people, especially those on authority. You may find that work is just not where you want to be but you will get on well with your colleagues at the moment.
Your 4th house of domestic arrangements is likely to be quite intense. The planet of change, Uranus has been here for a little while now and you will have experienced some changes in this area of your life. The aspect between Mercury, the planet of communication in your 7th solar house forms an aspect to Uranus which is likely to result in some dramas which may not be expected.
This is good time for you to make progress in respect of your bigger goals and ambitions. Mars forms a positive aspect both Jupiter and Pluto. A word of caution, make sure that any communications are clear and concise and cannot be misconstrued.
The Sun moves onto your 7th house of relationships on the 20th. This can be an exciting time for you if you are open to new prospects. You are likely to want the freedom to do what you want to do and not be hemmed in by restrictions.
Planetary Movements
The Sun is in your 6th house until the 20th, then moving into the 7th solar house, your house of relationships. This can be a very positive time for relationships of all types.
Full Moon, on 5th June in your 12th solar house, is a time to draw any creative projects to a close.
New moon, 21st June in your sign of Gemini makes it a great time for new beginnings, especially connected to you working environment.
Mercury in Cancer all month. Relationships are likely to occupy your thoughts.
Venus is in Gemini until the end of the month. You are not likely to be enthusiastic about work.
Mars is in Pisces and your 3rd solar house of communications. A good time for you to become involved in any neighbourhood activities.
Jupiter in Capricorn all month moving through your 2nd solar house of personal security.
Saturn in Aquarius all month in your 2nd solar house of personal security.
Love and romance
If you are attracted to someone that you work with, then you may find that you can make a connection in the early part of the month. If there any unresolved issues within your relationship, then this would be a food time to discuss them openly and honestly. You may be surprised with the outcome.
Mercury, the planet of communication is making its way through your house of relationships. This can be quite an exciting time on the one hand, on the other it be a bit of a drama. This is one of those times when you may start out in one direction and end up somewhere completely different.
Venus has been in retrograde motion (That is when a planet appears to move backwards across the sky) for a while now and has regressed into your 5th solar house. You may find that past loves return to you.
The Sun moves into Cancer of the 20th of the month, progressing into your house of relationships. The end of the month will see your attention drawn to this area of your life and wanting to have things in balance.
Prosperity and opportunity
Despite work not really being the place you want to be, you will be able to show off your abilities to great effect. That’s assuming that you have work to go to. In any case, your will be focused on getting stuff done and gaining satisfaction from it too whether it’s at home or work.
If you have been struggling with a problem related to contracts or partnerships, then you may gain some useful insights and be able to approach an old problem from a new perspective. Your view of problems in general may alter, seeing them as something that has to be overcome rather fought with.
If you have a large scale plan for your future, then this is a time when you may be able to make some significant steps towards achieving it. This is not likely to be without its challenges and detractors but the new plan is likely to be better than the old one.
If you have any contract negotiations or minor legal matters to resolve, then this is a good time for you. You will have the ability to charm other people into your way of thinking and achieve the result you are looking for.